The 2023 SF Penshow is proud to offer a special pen show ink courtesy of Luxury Brands. The ink is a special color made for the SF Pen Show by Colorverse. There are two ways to obtain the show ink.
1) On Saturday and Sunday, 200 bottles of the ink will be given away on each day. To obtain the ink, you just need to pick up a Pen Show card from the registration desk and obtain 7 out of 8 stamps by show sponsors. The completed card can then be redeemed for a bottle of ink at the Pensbury Manor table (O1+O2). Cards will be available starting at 10 am and needs to be completed that day. Cards completed on Saturday cannot be used to redeem ink on Sunday.
2) Pen Show ink will also be available for sale 2pm-3pm on Friday and 2 pm-4pm on Saturday and Sunday. Each person is limited to purchasing two bottles of the ink and total amount on each day is limited. The location of the sale is the front desk and will be announced as we get closer to the show.